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Webinar: How Rapid Tech Advancement Will Revolutionize Access Control, Perimeter and Video Security Design

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This webinar is for CSOs, security directors and managers, IT managers who are responsible for physical security systems, plus manufacturers, integrators, and security consultants.

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In just one decade we will see five or more decades of information technology advancement.

This is revolutionizing electronic security products and systems.

It is radically changing the way we should think about risk planning and security operations.

This webinar will answer many questions, including:

  • How will senior security leaders be affected by the coming changes?
  • What will the basis for my security technology strategy be?
  • How will the nature of my collaborations with IT change?
  • What specific trends will change access control, intrusion detection, perimeter security and video surveillance technology?
  • How quickly could my existing security technology become obsolete?
  • Will proprietary systems lock me out of technology advancements?
  • What does “future-proof” mean in the context of accelerating technology change?
  • What questions should I be asking my vendors of choice?
  • How will the cloud and its OpEx based subscription model affect my organizational financial planning?
  • How can I approach creating a security technology roadmap?
  • How should rising cyber threats impact my security systems design?

As soon as you register, email your technology questions to: and get answers during the webinar session.

Click to login as a guest and view the video of this webinar now.