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Security Technology Convergence Insights

Publication Date: April 15, 2015


You’ll find dozens of ideas—from two decades of working in the area of Security/IT convergence—that you can apply to your own security technology projects.

Take a peek at the Table of Contents below and the 66 specific insight topics presented in the book.

Table of Contents

The Handbook of Physical Security System Acceptance Testing

Publication Date: Winter 2015


The first-ever comprehensive reference on Physical Security System Acceptance Testing!

Assure on-time and on-budget deployments for your security system projects!

Outline of Contents

  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgements
  • About the Author
  • Introduction
  • Four Categories of Convergence
  • Mastering Convergence
  • Integration of Physical Security and Logical Security
  • Why Convergence Didn’t Really Disappear
  • Trends a Decade into Convergence
  • The Value of Technology
  • How Hacking is Changing the Physical Security Industry World
  • Security Industry Wake Up Call!
  • Convergence in Design: Virtual Construction
  • Collaboration between Physical Security and IT
  • How IT Can Help Physical Security System Planning
  • The Scope of Security Systems Integration
  • Convergence Roles and Responsibilities
  • Service Level Agreements
  • Convergence Collaboration Collisions
  • Security Video Requires Convergence Collaboration
  • Data Security for Corporate Security Departments
  • Financial Impact of Cyber Risk
  • Protecting Information in Human Memory
  • Network Protection for Security Systems
  • Physical Security for Computing Systems
  • Let IT Be Your Force Multiplier
  • Security Patrols for Desktop Security
  • ROI for Convergence Education and Training
  • Certifications Relevant to Convergence
  • Knowledge Gap: Customers and Security Integrators
  • Learning about IP-Based Systems
  • Maximizing Your Progress in the New Year
  • Convergence Initiatives: Timing Can Be Critical
  • Convergence and Layers of Security
  • Levels of Security
  • Why Do I Need a Technology Roadmap?
  • Power over Ethernet (PoE)
  • PSIM and DATA: What’s the Difference?
  • Impact – The Pace of Technology Development
  • Technology Blinders
  • Addressing Risks in Real Time
  • Who Specified This?
  • The Deadlocking Plunger Weakness
  • Smart Projects
  • Smart Perimeter Detection Projects
  • Backup Power for Video Systems
  • Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Integration for Video
  • Standards Can Provide Significant Benefits
  • Lessons Learned: Physical Security & IT Collaboration
  • Single Logical-Physical Access Card Standards?
  • Where Do Standards Lead?
  • Technology Roadmap Match-Up
  • Benefits of Access Card Convergence
  • Security Cameras for Business Operations Use
  • Sharing Security Technology with Business Units
  • Automating Workforce Management
  • Wireless Analog Opens Vulnerability
  • Responsible Disclosure and Physical Security Risk
  • Facing Up to Lock and Key Denial
  • Wheels or Electrons?
  • Simple Network Management Passion
  • Log Me In, Scotty!
  • Costly Cable Kinks
  • Tech Projects Undermined by Poor Training and Documentation
  • Read the Release Notes!
  • Detecting the Gradual Loss of Video Network Capacity
  • Ongoing Maintenance for Outdoor Security Cameras
  • The Facility Code Access Control Vulnerability
  • Caught on Video: Trees Stealing Video Disk Storage
  • Prank – or Bigger Threat?
  • Chapter 1 The Value of Testing
  • Chapter 2 What Matters to Whom
  • Chapter 3 Technical Debt and Testing
  • Chapter 4 The Future of Testing
  • Chapter 5 Building Information Modeling
  • Chapter 6 Overview of Acceptance Testing
  • Chapter 7 Project Schedules and Milestones
  • Chapter 8 Qualification Tests
  • Chapter 9 Site Acceptance Test
  • Chapter 10 Operational Acceptance Test
  • Chapter 11 Ongoing System Testing
  • Chapter 12 Testing Intelligent Systems
  • Chapter 13 Administration Center Testing
  • Chapter 14 Operations Center Testing
  • Chapter 15 Network Testing
  • Chapter 16 Testing Cloud-Based Applications and Systems
  • Chapter 17 Technology-Specific Test Considerations
  • Chapter 18 Acceptance Test Planning
  • Chapter 19 Writing Test Plans
  • Chapter 20 Writing Testable Requirements and Specifications
  • Chapter 21 “Just Enough” Testing
  • Chapter 22 Checklists and Templates
  • Chapter 23 Best Practices