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The Future Effects of Changing Technology

Don’t miss this incredible session at the annual ASIS conference!

The Future Effects of Rapidly Changing Security Technology
Date: Monday, September 28th
Time: 11:00 AM

Seven technology trends are ready to make obsolete your current roadmap for physical security technology, providing vastly greater capabilities that are more affordable than your current technologies.

Discover how to plan for rapidly changing technology to further advance your security program. Find out how to utilize the force multiplier effects that traditional security systems could not provide.

Learn what the game-changing security technology advances are!

Learn what advanced real-time physical access control can do for you. Prepare yourself to achieve strong system security despite the growing interconnectedness of systems and the advent of cloud services.

Mark your calendar and be sure to be there!

This is a panel session by highly regarded security professionals and accomplished industry thought leaders. For some insight on what we’re talking about on the panel, scan through this article:

The Increasing Pace of Technology Advancement:
100 Years of Development in the Next 10 Years?