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Industry Knowledge Test Question

Name the First Industry Company to Practice Age of the Customer Principles

In my report, The 21st Century Customer and the Security Industry, I wrote a “challenge” relating to the Age of the Customer material in the report, to test the reader’s knowledge of the security industry today.

There is Cover Security Technology Convergence Insightsone company that I have not named in this report, which was founded by a security industry veteran with a team composed of industry veterans in systems integration and manufacturing. It was launched specifically to do business as a 21st century business entity. From “Day 1” it embraced and was based upon Age of the Customer practices and principles. It is thriving with customers from all around the globe.

What company am I talking about?

The first ten people (who have purchased the The 21st Century Customer and the Security Industry report) who submit the name of the company to me below, will receive a free electronic copy of my book, Security Technology Convergence Insights, a $69.95 value.

The winners will be listed below as each prize is awarded.

(Note: submission is not yet open.)