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Relationships and Allies

(Download a Saveable PDF Worksheet of this Relationships and Allies guidance)

An assessment of your internal organizational relationships and allies includes an examination of Security’s role in corporate functions and its relationship to other business functions. There are two parts to this assessment. The first part addresses factors that are involved in cross-functional relationships.

These worksheet pages were inspired by and are based in part on this 2004 article by  Mahesh K. Nalla PhD: Assessing Corporate Security Departments' Internal Relationships and Linkages with Other Business Functions, Journal of Security Education, Volume 1, Issue 1, pages 29-40. This article presents research on this topic from Security directors and managers from the Fortune 500 and Fortune Service 500 companies who were surveyed to assess the corporate security departments’ relationship to other business functions. Purchase ($37.00) and download Dr. Nalla's article in PDF format, which provides benchmarking information from the companies surveyed. The major categories of respondents included chemical/pharmaceutical, financial, manufacturing, service, and utilities companies. The article also contains information about security reporting patterns.

Relationship to Other Business Functions

  1. Are Senior security personnel included in the corporate strategic planning process?

    __ Always

    __ Usually

    __ Sometimes

    __ Rarely

    __ Never


  3. Does Security have its own mission statement?

    __ Always

    __ Yes

    __ No

    If Yes, is the mission statement up to date and in alignment with other corporate and divisional mission statements?

    Corporate: __ Yes  __ No

    Division:      __ Yes  __ No (answer separately for each division Security supports or services)


  5. Does Security have its own strategic plan?

    __ Yes

    __ No

    If Yes, is the strategic plan up to date and in alignment with other corporate and divisional strategic plans?

    Corporate: __ Yes  __ No

    Division:      __ Yes  __ No (answer separately for each division Security supports or services)


  7. Are cross-functional councils, groups or committees involved in setting the priorities for major security risk mitigation actions?

    Check all that apply.

    __ Always

    __ At Security’s Request

    __ At Management’s Request

    __ At Business Unit’s Request

    __ Rarely



  9. How strong is Security’s influence in determining the priorities for asset protection and risk mitigation actions?

    __ Absolute

    __ Major

    __ High – as Part of Routing Collaboration

    __ Usually Given Consideration

    __ Low

    __ None – Management Dictates


  11. What is the level of Security’s participation in the following corporate or divisional decisions?

    1. Physical site location

      __ Major   __  Medium via Requests for Input
      __ Low       __None – role determined after decisions

    2. Physical site design

      __ Major   __  Medium via Requests for Input
      __ Low       __None – role determined after decisions

    3. Employee hiring process

      __ Major   __  Medium via Requests for Input
      __ Low       __None – role determined after decisions

    4. New employee orientation

      __ Major   __  Medium via Requests for Input
      __ Low       __None – role determined after decisions

    5. Employee training

      __ Major   __  Medium via Requests for Input
      __ Low       __None – role determined after decisions


  12. Regarding acquisitions and mergers, what is Security’s level of advance participation?

    a. Assess acquisition or merger candidate’s security profile

      __ Always  __ Sometimes  __ Never

    b. Assess requirements for integrating the security functions

      __ Always  __ Sometimes  __ Never

    c. Estimate budget for integrating the security functions

      __ Always  __ Sometimes  __ Never


How would you characterize the roles (whether de facto or specifically assigned), attitudes and effectiveness of Executives and Business Units in ensuring security effectiveness within the organization? (See also the Security Ladder of Involvement guidance.)

Position or Business Unit Role Attitude Effectiveness
a.  Chairman      
b.  President      
c.  Accounting      
d.  Administration      
e.  Communications/PR      
f.  Corporate strategic planning      
g.  Facilities      
h.  Finance/Accounting      
i.  Health/Safety environment      
j.  Human Resources/Personnel      
k.  Information Systems (IS) /
      Information Systems (IT)
l.  Internal Audit      
m.  Legal      
n.  Logistics      
o.  Manufacturing      
p.  Marketing      
q.  Operations      
r.  Quality      
s.  Real Estate      
t.  Sales      
u.  Other (add as needed)