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Physical Security for IT

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The physical security of IT, network, and telecommunications assets is equally as important as cyber security.We justifiably fear the hacker, the virus writer and the cyber terrorist.

But the disgruntled employee, the thief, the vandal, the corporate foe, and yes, the terrorist can easily cripple an organization by doing physical damage to IT assets.

In many cases such damage can be far more difficult to recover from than a hack attack or malicious code incident. It does little good to have great computer security if wiring closets are easily accessible or individuals can readily walk into an office and sit down at a computer and gain access to systems and applications.

Even though the skill level required to hack systems and write viruses is becoming widespread, the skill required to wield an ax, hammer, or fire hose and do thousands of dollars in damage is even more common.

Michael Erbschloe, information technology educator and author

Many organizations invest significant resources in computer and network security to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of their critical information systems and data. Yet most organizations do not sufficiently address physical security for IT.

Standards, guidelines and methods exist for assessing the physical security vulnerabilities of IT systems, and designing and implementing sound physical security plans for them.

We at RBCS can recommend appropriate guidance materials, provide training for self-directed assessments (i.e. train-and-execute) and even provide experienced personnel to help you evaluate IT system physical vulnerabilities and develop a sound physical security risk treatment plan.

For More Information

Call RBCS at 949-831-6788 to explore the best approach to establishing or improving a Physical Security for It program, given your existing resources, organizational constraints and objectives.