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ASIS Annual Seminar Sessions

Recorded Annual Seminar Session Information

Improve your security knowledge and your security program!

You can obtain audio and video recordings of nearly 200 educational sessions from each ASIS Annual Seminar for about 50¢ each ($99) if you are an ASIS member and/or you attended the show, and for just a little more if you are a non-member and didn’t attend the show. The exact pricing is listed below for most years from 2005 through 2015. This pricing is for either online access (which does allow you to download the audio and video files) or a DVD containing the files. If you want both, add $50 to the pricing below.

Member? Attended Show? Price
Yes Yes $99
Yes No $149
No Yes $149
No No $199

Purchasing Session Recordings

Purchase Session Access and/or DVD:
How to Obtain Seminar Session Recordings (2005 through 2015)