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Facility Security Systems and the Digital Ceiling

Human-Friendly Buildings

Cisco calls them “Human-Friendly Buildings”, and security has a valuable role to play in such a facility. For example, when occupancy sensors show that personnel are working alone in an isolated section of a building floor after-hours, a security officer can perform a friendly foot patrol visit, say “Hello”, and let the occupant know that security still actively patrols the building.

Digital Ceiling Overview

That kind of after-hours scenario is easily enabled when security systems share in a Digital Ceiling Initiative. The concepts are clearly presented in the two-minute video below.

Notice how, at just over a minute into the video, the window shades are automatically raised when the office’s occupant enters the room. Shade and window blind control systems can be programmed to close when the room is unoccupied, with the security system getting confirmation that the office can’t be viewed from the outside. This is a physical informaton security feature.

There are many other security implications for the digital ceiling technology wave. For example, the ongoing energy cost-savings for a digital ceiling initiative can provide ongoing funding for subscription-based Hardware-as-a-Service and Software-as-a-Service building safety and security improvements.

Some such security technology improvements also enable security systems to contribute data of value to business operations, something that retail stores have already been doing with security video analytics.

Read about one project that achieved a 98% reduction in the high lighting costs for its 5-story atrium.

I’d be happy to have a conversation with you about this if you’d like to know more.

—Ray Bernard
Direct: 949-681-9814