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Data Center Uptime and Your Physical Security System

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If you want to see where the reliability of Physical Security Systems computing resources is heading, check out the Uptime Institute and the resources below.

This page contains several documents (reports, white papers and a presentation) that relate to maintaining highly reliable data center deployments, where critical physical security system service almost always reside today. They touch on topics that are part of the larger practice domain relating to IT Infrastructure Management.

IT Infrastructure Management

Margaret Rouse writes for and manages, TechTarget’s IT encyclopedia and learning center. She has written an excellent short article on IT Infrastructure Management from which I have copied the definition below.

For an organization's information technology, infrastructure management (IM) is the management of essential operation components, such as policies, processes, equipment, data, human resources, and external contacts, for overall effectiveness.

Data Center Fnfrastructure Management (DCIM) is a subdivision of IT Infrastructure Management category of solutions extends the traditional data center management function to include all of the critical physical electronic assets and resources found in the Facilities and IT domains. DCIM deployments over time will integrate information technology (IT) and facility management disciplines to centralize monitoring, management and intelligent capacity planning as well as physical security design and implementation of a data center’s critical systems.

In the field of building management, physical security systems are considered to be a part of the overall building management system. Thus you will find material about physical security systems in the reference materials about building management, because the stakeholders for security system uptime are not just the security operations folks, but include IT data center managers as well as building/facility managers.

Resources to Download

icon_word_53x53 White Paper - Uptime Institute Data CenterTier Classification
icon_word_53x53 Conference Paper Data Center Tier Classification - National Conference on Building Commissioning
icon_word_53x53 Conference Presentation - Data Center Tier Classificaton - National Conference on Building Commissioning
icon_word_53x53 White Paper - From Data Center Metrics to Data Center Analytics